Emmanuel Lutheran Church is a caring family of baptized Christians bound together in the forgiveness that God has provided all people through His Son. Our family of faith exists to announce that gift of forgiveness to individuals of all nations, races, and cultures by preaching God's Word and sharing the Sacraments. Emmanuel follows and teaches the confessional standard of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church was founded on July 26, 1867. From its beginnings, Emmanuel has maintained a strong involvement with the surrounding neighborhood. One of the first efforts was the founding of a school, before a church building was even completed. In 1962 Emmanuel and St. Michael congregations combined their schools. Emmanuel—St. Michael school has been a vital ministry of both congregations and a model for Christian education in Fort Wayne and throughout our region.

Additionally, our relationships with Wellspring Interfaith Social Services, the West Central Neighborhood Association, and Washington Elementary School have been wonderful avenues for community engagement and outreach.
Over the last ten years, we have experienced a renewed vision for ministry at Emmanuel. An expanded staff and improvements to our campus, plus a complete restoration of our historic sanctuary, have brought new excitement and growth to the congregation. As the West Central Neighborhood undergoes change and redevelopment, our involvement with the community takes on added significance and brings new dimensions to our mission of building faith in the city.
Over the last ten years, we have experienced a renewed vision for ministry at Emmanuel. An expanded staff and improvements to our campus, plus a complete restoration of our historic sanctuary, have brought new excitement and growth to the congregation. As the West Central Neighborhood undergoes change and redevelopment, our involvement with the community takes on added significance and brings new dimensions to our mission of building faith in the city.